NIL Collective
GAELS Nation
Gaels Nation NIL is committed to providing Iona University student-athletes with purposeful engagements that have a positive impact on communities and engage with Gaels supporters in meaningful ways.
About Gaels Nation
Gaels Nation is the exclusive NIL Collective recognized by Iona University. Gaels Nation was founded by Iona University alumni to provide Impact, Opportunity, Navigation, and Access to Gael student-athletes that enable them to accelerate their career growth and maximize their personal value as a Gael.
Gaels Nation offers customized membership packages at all levels for business/organization supporters and individual supporters of Iona University athletics. Beyond an endorsement or event, there are even more ways to be part of the excitement! From recurring memberships to one-time contributions in support of a team or student-athlete, both businesses/organizations and individuals are invited to explore what’s possible.
The Gaels Nation NIL collective keeps operating costs at a minimum, ensuring as much money as possible goes directly toward supporting Iona’s student-athletes and/or teams.
Our Mission
Gaels Nation NIL puts the individual first. The interests of the Iona University student-athletes are always a top priority with Gaels Nation NIL, paving the way for opportunities for short and long-term advancement on and off the field of play.
Sponsorship packages available at all levels
439 Student-Athletes at Iona University
439 Student-Athletes at Iona University •
Let's add additional assets to your corporate partnership with Iona University by incorporating Iona student-athletes into your marketing. Gaels Nation NIL helps to bridge your current efforts with new opportunities with student-athletes.
Gaels Nation NIL will Help Facilitate the Entire Process
Expand Your Iona Partnership
Grow Your Brand Awareness in the Community
Social Media Campaigns
Utilize the audience that student-athletes have created on their social media platforms to market your message.
Produce a commercial with the involvement of student-athletes that will be shown throughout the community.
Utilize the appearances of student-athletes at your events to help generate interest from the general public, promote your business/organization, and host meet-and-greets.